
Sabohat Kalandarova

Im a

Hello There!

I am a learner who is curious about gaining new knowledge and excited about coding.

I discovered my passion for coding when I tried it out along with other spheres I had some interest in: Finance, History, Languages and Mathematics.

I started learning Web development when I was freshman at University and became very interested. After that, I switched my major to Software Engineer and started the never-ending journey of becoming a web developer along with sharpening my eye for design.

Web Developer
Web Designer
SEO analyst
Web Tester


  • 2019 - present

    Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

    Westminster International University

    Obtained a full Scholarship for passing entrance exams with 100% Maths score and IELTS 7.5

    Courses: Computer Science Fundamentals, Algorithms and Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming, Database Systems Development, Web Technology, Introduction to Statistics and Data Science, Mobile Applications Development and Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing


  • 2020 - Present

    Software Developer, Freelancer


    Became “Top Rated” freelancer by delivering consistent high quality service

    Gained 100% Job Success Score building large scale applications in various fields: medicine, e-commerce, agriculture, mathematics

  • 2021 - 2022

    Front-End Developer


    Built multilingual SPAs with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, Material UI and Redux.

    Optimized an application for maximum speed and scalability by 10x by identifying and fixing memory. leaks

    Mentored and onboarded 2 new hires.

  • 2021

    Software Developer

    Pixer Devs

    Main responsibilities include creating full-stack websites with Node.js, Express, MongoDB/Postgres, React and Next.js framework.

    Additionally, I took the responsibilities of SEO

    Software Developer Intern

    Pixer Devs

    Received training on MERN stack development.



Soft Skills

  • Problem Solving
  • Time Management
  • Team work


  • English
  • Russian
  • Uzbek


  • 2022

    Javascript Front-End Development

    Upwork Skill Certification

    Certified talent demonstrate proficiency in JavaScript fundamentals such as data types, expressions, arrays, indexed collections, prototype-based object-oriented programming. They also show an understanding of DOM, event handling, classes, objects, and JavaScript web APIs. To prove their skills, talent must achieve a passing score on a manually reviewed technical test. ~ Upwork

    Open the Certificate

  • 2021

    Top Rated Freelancer


    Earned “Top Rated” status by delivering consistent high quality service. Also, gained 100% Job Success Score building large scale applications in various fields: medicine, e-commerce, agriculture, mathematics

    Open the Freelance Profile

  • 2019

    Among top 5 students of WIUT

    Westminster University

    Got into the top 5 students in entrance exams of WIUT with 100% Maths score and IELTS band 7.5 Certificate. Consequently, received a full scholarship from WIUT.

  • 2018

    IELTS BAND 7.5

    English Language Proficieny Test

    Received a honorouble score of 7.5 in IELTS exam. Reading: 8.5 Listening: 8.5 Writing: 6.5 Speaking: 6.5


Get in touch

Feel free to contact me
